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Amorc Monographs of the 11th and 12th Degree: The Rare and Profound Rosicrucian Lessons

Amorc Monograph 11th And 12th Degree: A Guide for Rosicrucian Students

If you are a student of the Rosicrucian Order, AMORC, you may have heard of the Amorc Monographs, especially the 11th and 12th Degree Monographs. These are advanced lessons that cover some of the most profound and esoteric teachings of the Rosicrucian tradition. But what are they exactly, and why are they important for your spiritual development? In this article, we will explore these questions and provide you with a guide to understand and benefit from these monographs.

Amorc Monograph 11th And12th Degree


What are Amorc Monographs?

Amorc Monographs are booklets that contain the mystical teachings of the Rosicrucian Order, AMORC. They are divided into two main sections: the Neophyte section and the Temple section. The Neophyte section consists of introductory lessons that prepare the student for the higher teachings. The Temple section consists of advanced lessons that reveal the secrets of the cosmos, the soul, and the divine.

What are the 11th and 12th Degree Monographs?

The 11th and 12th Degree Monographs are part of the Temple section, and they are considered to be some of the most advanced and profound lessons in the Rosicrucian system. They were given to students in the 1970s-1990s, but they have been discontinued since then. They are now rare and hard to find, but they contain valuable information for those who seek to deepen their understanding of Rosicrucianism.

Why are they important for Rosicrucian students?

The 11th and 12th Degree Monographs are important for Rosicrucian students because they offer a comprehensive and systematic exploration of some of the most essential topics in Rosicrucian philosophy and practice. They help the student to develop a cosmic perspective on life, to expand their consciousness beyond the physical plane, to connect with higher spiritual forces, and to achieve their ultimate goal of soul liberation.

The 11th Degree Monographs

The main topics covered in the 11th Degree

The 11th Degree Monographs focus on four main topics: the Cosmic Keyboard, the Cosmic Consciousness, the Cosmic Masters, and the Cosmic Mission. These topics are explained below:

The Cosmic Keyboard

The Cosmic Keyboard is a term used by Rosicrucians to describe the different levels of vibration that exist in the universe. Everything in existence is composed of energy that vibrates at different rates, creating different planes of manifestation. The Cosmic Keyboard consists of seven octaves, each containing seven notes. The lowest octave corresponds to the physical plane, where matter is dense and solid. The highest octave corresponds to the divine plane, where spirit is pure and perfect. Between these two extremes, there are five other octaves that correspond to different levels of consciousness and reality.

The Cosmic Consciousness

The Cosmic Consciousness is a term used by Rosicrucians to describe the state of awareness that transcends the limitations of time, space, and individuality. It is also known as Universal Consciousness or God-Consciousness. It is the source of all life, intelligence, and love in existence. It is also our true nature as spiritual beings. By attaining Cosmic Consciousness, we can experience our oneness with all creation, our immortality as souls, and our divine potential as co-creators.

The Cosmic Masters

The Cosmic Masters are highly evolved beings who have reached a high degree of spiritual development and mastery over themselves and their environment. They have attained Cosmic Consciousness and have access to all levels of vibration on the Cosmic Keyboard. They are also known as Ascended Masters or Elder Brothers. They serve as guides, teachers, and helpers for humanity. They communicate with us through intuition, inspiration, dreams, visions, or direct contact. They also work behind the scenes to influence world events for our benefit.

The Cosmic Mission

The Cosmic Mission is a term used by Rosicrucians to describe our purpose as souls in this incarnation. It is also known as our Dharma or Divine Plan. It is based on our karmic debts and credits from previous lives, our talents and abilities, our interests and passions, our challenges and opportunities, and our spiritual goals. By discovering and fulfilling our Cosmic Mission, we can contribute to our own evolution as well as to the evolution of humanity.

The benefits of studying the 11th Degree

Studying the 11th Degree Monographs can provide many benefits for Rosicrucian students who wish to deepen their knowledge and practice of Rosicrucianism. Some of these benefits are:

Developing a deeper understanding of the cosmic laws and principles

By learning about the different levels of vibration on the Cosmic Keyboard, we can understand how everything in existence is governed by universal laws that operate on each plane according to its nature. We can also learn how to apply these laws in our daily lives to create harmony, balance, and order.

Expanding one's awareness and intuition

By learning about Cosmic Consciousness, we can expand our awareness beyond our physical senses and rational mind. We can develop our intuition as a reliable source of guidance and insight. We can also access higher states of consciousness that allow us to perceive reality more clearly and profoundly.

Connecting with the cosmic masters and their guidance

The 12th Degree Monographs

The main topics covered in the 12th Degree

The 12th Degree Monographs focus on four main topics: the Soul Personality, the Soul Consciousness, the Soul Evolution, and the Soul Liberation. These topics are explained below:

The Soul Personality

The Soul Personality is a term used by Rosicrucians to describe the individualized expression of the soul in a human incarnation. It is also known as the Inner Self or the True Self. It is composed of three aspects: the physical body, the psychic body, and the spiritual body. The physical body is the vehicle of action and sensation on the material plane. The psychic body is the vehicle of emotion and thought on the astral plane. The spiritual body is the vehicle of intuition and will on the mental plane.

The Soul Consciousness

The Soul Consciousness is a term used by Rosicrucians to describe the state of awareness that transcends the limitations of the personality and its three bodies. It is also known as Higher Consciousness or Christ Consciousness. It is the source of wisdom, compassion, and creativity in existence. It is also our true nature as spiritual beings. By attaining Soul Consciousness, we can experience our oneness with our soul personality, our soul group, and our soul mate.

The Soul Evolution

The Soul Evolution is a term used by Rosicrucians to describe the process of growth and development of the soul through successive incarnations. It is also known as Reincarnation or Metempsychosis. It is based on the law of karma, which states that every action has a consequence that affects our future lives. By learning from our experiences and overcoming our challenges, we can improve our karma and advance our soul evolution.

The Soul Liberation

The Soul Liberation is a term used by Rosicrucians to describe the ultimate goal of the soul evolution. It is also known as Ascension or Enlightenment. It is achieved when the soul has completed its cycle of incarnations and has fulfilled its cosmic mission. It is also achieved when the soul has attained Cosmic Consciousness and has merged with its divine source. By achieving Soul Liberation, we can free ourselves from the cycle of birth and death and enjoy eternal bliss and peace.


Summary of the main points

In this article, we have explored what are Amorc Monographs, especially the 11th and 12th Degree Monographs, and why they are important for Rosicrucian students. We have learned that these monographs contain advanced and esoteric teachings that cover some of the most essential topics in Rosicrucian philosophy and practice. We have also learned that these monographs can provide many benefits for Rosicrucian students who wish to deepen their knowledge and practice of Rosicrucianism.

Call to action for Rosicrucian students

If you are a Rosicrucian student who wants to access these monographs and benefit from their teachings, you may have some difficulties finding them, as they are rare and hard to find. However, there are some ways you can try to obtain them, such as:

  • Searching for them online on websites like or

  • Asking other Rosicrucian students or members if they have copies or know where to get them.

  • Contacting Rosicrucian organizations or lodges that may have them in their libraries or archives.

  • Creating your own copies by transcribing them from audio recordings or scanning them from printed versions.

Whatever method you choose, we hope you will be able to access these monographs and study them with an open mind and heart. We also hope you will apply their teachings in your daily life and share them with others who may be interested in them.

We wish you all the best in your Rosicrucian journey!


  • What is Rosicrucianism?

  • Rosicrucianism is a spiritual and cultural movement that arose in Europe in the early 17th century after the publication of several texts announcing to the world a hitherto unknown esoteric order. Rosicrucianism is symbolized by the Rosy Cross or Rose Cross.

  • What are Amorc Monographs?


  • What is Rosicrucianism?

  • Rosicrucianism is a spiritual and cultural movement that arose in Europe in the early 17th century after the publication of several texts announcing to the world a hitherto unknown esoteric order. Rosicrucianism is symbolized by the Rosy Cross or Rose Cross.

  • What are Amorc Monographs?

  • Amorc Monographs are booklets that contain the mystical teachings of the Rosicrucian Order, AMORC. They are divided into two main sections: the Neophyte section and the Temple section. The Neophyte section consists of introductory lessons that prepare the student for the higher teachings. The Temple section consists of advanced lessons that reveal the secrets of the cosmos, the soul, and the divine.

  • What are the 11th and 12th Degree Monographs?

  • The 11th and 12th Degree Monographs are part of the Temple section, and they are considered to be some of the most advanced and profound lessons in the Rosicrucian system. They were given to students in the 1970s-1990s, but they have been discontinued since then. They are now rare and hard to find, but they contain valuable information for those who seek to deepen their understanding of Rosicrucianism.

  • Why are they important for Rosicrucian students?

  • The 11th and 12th Degree Monographs are important for Rosicrucian students because they offer a comprehensive and systematic exploration of some of the most essential topics in Rosicrucian philosophy and practice. They help the student to develop a cosmic perspective on life, to expand their consciousness beyond the physical plane, to connect with higher spiritual forces, and to achieve their ultimate goal of soul liberation.

  • How can I access them?

  • If you want to access these monographs and benefit from their teachings, you may have some difficulties finding them, as they are rare and hard to find. However, there are some ways you can try to obtain them, such as:

  • Searching for them online on websites like or

  • Asking other Rosicrucian students or members if they have copies or know where to get them.

  • Contacting Rosicrucian organizations or lodges that may have them in their libraries or archives.

  • Creating your own copies by transcribing them from audio recordings or scanning them from printed versions.


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