Tomo-chan Wa Onnanoko! Episode 1
An anime television series adaptation was announced at Anime Expo in July 2022. It was produced by Lay-duce and directed by Hitoshi Nanba, with assistant direction from Noriko Hashimoto, scripts written by Megumi Shimizu, character designs handled by Shiori Hiraiwa, and music composed by Masaru Yokoyama. The 13-episode series aired from January 5 to March 30, 2023, on Tokyo MX and other networks.[36][37][e] The opening theme song is "Kurae! Telepathy" (くらえテレパシー) by Maharajan, while the ending theme song is "yurukurulove" by Rie Takahashi, Rina Hidaka, and Sally Amaki.[39] Crunchyroll co-produced the series and streamed it along with an English dub.[3][40]
Tomo-chan wa Onnanoko! Episode 1
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